What is Bounce?

Bounce is a chat application where some people pay and others get paid.

More info here.


Some people want to pay other people for their knowledge, wisdom, humor, etc.

What are your hours?

24 / 7 / 365

Can I pay sometimes and also be paid?


Can anyone be a pro?


How much does it cost?

Pros set their own rates, but on average it's a few bucks for a 10min chat.

Is there a minimum time commitment for a chat?

Nope, chat for as long or as little as necessary. You decide when to start and end chats.

Who are the pros?

Just regular people with expertise in the given subject .. maybe you!

Do I have to apply to be a pro?


Do I have to work a certain number of hours?

Nope, login and logout whenever you'd like.

How much can I earn?

Pros set their own rates, and can have parallel chats.

Rates can range from $0.10/min to $5.00/min.

Hourly Earnings Potential

Parallel Chats $0.20/min $0.40/min $0.80/min $1.60/min
1 $11 $21 $42 $83
2 $22 $43 $84 $165
3 $34 $64 $125 $248
4 $45 $86 $167 $330
5 $56 $107 $209 $413

Parallel chats mean that you can talk to multiple people at once.

Note that the values above are post 15% platform fee.

How do people find me?

Share your profile page link on social media or email or postcards. People can start chats directly from there.

Are there any geographic limitations for pros?

Our payment provider (Stripe) allows us to make payments to these countries:

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States

What happens if I Go Offline with open sessions?

Your current sessions will remain active until ended by you or whoever you're chatting with.

Users won't be able to start new sessions with you though.

Is there a minimum charge?


How do pro rates work?

Min Charge + (Minutes * Pro Rate)

So a 10 min chat, with a pro whose rate is $0.30/min would be: 1 + (0.3*10) = $4.

What is the processing fee?

There is a 15% platform fee, and a 3% payment processing fee. This combined fee is deducted from the session total before being transferred to the pro.